Exercise Training Protocol
When I exercised, I aimed for improvement in certain areas targeting different aspects.
1. Aerobic Base (Steady State "Zone 2")
- Increase mitochondria, capillaries, heart strength and red blood cells.
- Usual cardio at a level where I can talk with someone, but the other person will know that I'm exercising.
2. VO2 Max
- VO2 max is the maximum rate at which your body can consume oxygen during intense exercise. Aid in longevity.
- Increase mitochondria, capillaries, heart strength, red blood cells and oxygen concentration.
- Exercise using Norwegian 4x4 workout. 4 sets of 4 minutes high intensity intervals at 85-95% of maximum heart rate, followed by 3 minutes of active rest after each interval. Performed once a week.
Hypertrophy training by focusing on strength training sets 3 times a week. Improvement via progressive overload using reverse pyramid training on compound movements on just one to two exercises per muscle group. Pump training on isometric movements.
Measure strength on incline bench press, weighted chin ups, and weighted dips as multiplier relative to bodyweight. Trying to reach BW (bodyweight) 1.2 on IBP, BW * 0.5 on WCU, BW 0.6 on WD.
Favorite exercises are standing barbell press, incline bench press, and weighted chin up. Want to do muscle up consistently and moved on to weighted muscle up.
Reverse pyramid training: After warmup, perform first set with heaviest weight. Rest. On next set, reduce the weight by 10% and increase 1-2 rep. Rest and on next set, reduce the weight again. Incremental progression via minor increase in weight or reps. It's taxing on the nervous system, so have a deload week if there's no progression.
Here's how a weekly workout will probably to be structured:
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | |
Wk A | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Zone 2(30-60 mins) | STR | |
Wk B | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Vo2 Max (4 x 4) | STR | |
Wk C | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Zone 2(30-60 mins) | STR Vo2 Max (4 x 4) | |
Wk D | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Zone 2 (30-60 mins) | STR | Zone 2(30-60 mins) Vo2 Max (4 x4) | STR |